I've discovered a wonderful website by an art teacher in California who used to teach high school Graphic Design and Web Design but now teaches at the college level. Her old website is very well organized and I asked her permission to tell you that we can "steal" her lessons. You can link to her lessons from her calendar under either class, or from the menu to the right. http://www.nhsdesigns.com/ She also has a blog called "Dawn's Brain: The adventures of a high school web and graphic design teacher." And she's started a forum for Art Teachers http://www.artteacherforum.com/ Her new college website is urlnextdoor.com Thank you, Dawn.
By the way, on her blog, the lesson "Cut Paper Illustrations" is based on a book that I love, Picture This by Molly Bang. It explains composition very well and my students have always been mesmerized by the slide show I've made from it, even though her illlustrations are very simple. You could very easily do this lesson using Adobe Illustrator if you don't have room for studio projects like me. You can order the book from Amazon using my bookstore link.
If you have children, or love children's books, you probably already know who Molly Bang is. My favorite is The Paper Crane. I still enjoy looking at it even though my boys are in high school and college.
The blogs is really helpful for the new designers.The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation.
I like the idea of blogging.I am a new blogger and trying to learn new techniques.It is a useful tool as a teacher to help our students in their educational journey. I am also surfing on google all the time for some valuable lesson plans and resources for my students. It would be great to have blogs linked to the various topics in the curriculums and also across the curriculum in all the subjects.
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